WWE NXT Review: Results, Analysis and Grades for Sep. 23

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Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Recap

Kyle Edwards recaps the 2nd round match ups for the Tag Team Classic. Dash and Dawson are shown beating the Vaudevillains and moving on. They face the winner of Finn Balor and Samoa Joe versus Enzo & Big Cass which takes place on NXT TV next week. Rhino and Corbin will face either the Hype Bros or Jason Jordan & Chad Gable. That match will happen during NXT’s Live Tour of Florida next week.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match:
The Vaudevillains (c) vs. Blake and Murphy

Result: Vaudevillains defeats Blake and Murphy via pinfall (Whirling Dervish).

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Gotch starts off the match against Blake. Alexa Bliss immediately starts trying to interfere in the match, but Blue Pants comes out to the ring and chases Bliss. Blue Pants chases Bliss all the way to the back, negating Blake & Murphy’s advantage. English gets the tag in, but Blake quickly gets advantage back in his favor. Blake tags in Murphy but English gets a double arm drag and a double drop kick on both of them, which forces Blake & Murphy to recover on the outside. Blake manages to hit English with a backdrop onto the ring apron as we go to break.

Back from the break and Blake and Murphy have English isolated in the corner. English manages to free himself from the headlocks by Blake and Murphy and absolutely tattoos Murphy with a right hand. Both Murphy and English get hot tags and Gotch lays into Blake with a flurry of offence. Gotch tags in English who goes for a swanton off the top rope, but Blake gets his knees up. Blake tags in Murphy who connects with knees from the top rope, but English kicks out at two. English avoids the double back drop and then sends Murphy to the outside. The Vaudevillains hit the Whirling Dervish to Blake and pick up the pin to retain their titles.

The NXT Tag Team Champions pose in the ring to end the in-ring portion of the night.

Tag Team Classic Interviews

Interviews with Big Cass & Enzo, and Samoa Joe & Finn Balor end the night. Enzo & Cass say they respect Balor and Joe but that doesn’t matter next week because they’re winning it for Dusty Rhodes.

Balor says that his friendship with ‘Zo and Cass is getting pushed aside next week. Joe says that ‘Zo and Cass might be the realest guys in the room, but him and Balor are the toughest dogs on the block, and you can’t teach that.

Next: Final Thoughts