WWE SmackDown Review: Results, Analysis, Grades; Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

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Kevin Owens and Rusev vs. Ryback and Dolph Ziggler

Result: Ryback and Dolph Ziggler defeats Kevin Owens and Rusev via pinfall (Shellshock).

Rating; 3.25 out of 5 stars

Ryback starts off against Owens who quickly tags himself out so he doesn’t have to face Ryback. Ziggler gets tagged in by Ryback and the Show-Off gets laid into by Rusev. Rusev keeps screaming at Ziggler that he is the best and hits Ziggler with a spinning side slam for a two count. After being isolated in their corner, Ziggler manages to hit Rusev with a big leaping DDT. Both men are down as we head to commercial.

Back from the commercial and Owens is in control of Ziggler. He hits a big senton onto Ziggler’s back for a two count. Owens mocks Ryback’s taunts and continues to lay into Ziggler. Owens and Rusev work frequent tags and trade body slams to Ziggler. Dolph reverses the one from Rusev and the one from Owens before hitting the hot tag to Ryback.

The Big Guy unloads on Rusev, but gets caught with a big spin kick. Ryback manages to get Rusev with a spinebuster, but is then distracted by Owens. Rusev connects with a superkick but gets distracted by Owens walking away to the back. Owens walks to the back with his title saying “it’s what really matters, not the match.” Rusev yells at Owens, but turns around into a kick from Dolph followed by a Shellshock for the pinfall.

Evan’s Note: The constant Owens retreating is smart but only because WWE has built it into his character that he does it all for his family. Owens can rationalize leaving and doing his heelish things just because of his family. Owens and Ryback needed more fuel to their feud before, and the eye rake was a good start. If Owens can get more time on the mic this feud could really take off.

Hopefully the Ziggler-Rusev drama will end soon because there are only so many times these two can face off.

The Dudleyz are shown backstage with Renee Young. Bubba Ray tells Renee that the New Day pretend to care about the WWE Universe, and the one thing the New Day does not act like are champions. D-Von is talking about how it’s not about tables it’s about the titles when the PrimeTime Players appear. Young offers good luck to the Dudleyz, and O’Neil when the two of them are done with New Day, it’ll be prime time.

Next: Rollins vs Ambrose