WWE Raw Armchair Creative: Fantasy Booking the Sep. 28 Show

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Segment No. 6 and 7 – 9:10 to 9:30

WWE Divas Championship No. 1 Contender’s Match
Paige vs. Naomi

– Have Charlotte and Becky Lynch on commentary for this. Team Bella is also at ringside.
– As the match reaches the back-end, have Sasha climb up to the apron and try to distract Paige. Have Naomi get frustrated and shout at Sasha, only to get rolled up for the pin.
– Paige gets up and starts laughing at Naomi and Sasha, who are still arguing while Tamina tries breaking it up. Have Team Bella walk up and attack Team B.A.D. and Paige. Have Nikki hit the Rack Attack on Paige to end the fighting.
– Have Stephanie McMahon come out. She says she has a decision to make on the Divas Championship picture with both Nikki and Paige now able to get a chance.

Segment No. 8 – 9:36 to 9:43

Ryback and Kevin Owens Backstage

– Have Owens approach Ryback backstage. Have Ryback talk about wanting the WWE Intercontinental Championship back but Owens responding with it won’t happen.
– Have Owens hesitate and attack Ryback, going for the injured arm from Night of Champions. Owens lays him out and doctors tend to Ryback.
– Owens heads out for a match.

Next: Segment No. 8 Continued