WWE Raw Armchair Creative: Fantasy Booking the Sep. 28 Show

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Segment No. 11 – 10:10 to 10:22

Renee Young Interviews Rusev

– Rusev doesn’t get the chance to say much until Dolph Ziggler comes up. Have him announce their match next week.

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon with Kane in Office

– Stephanie and Triple H start talking. Have Stephanie quickly mention that she made a decision on the Divas Championship picture.
– Kane walks in on them again. Have him creepily say he’s looking forward to his performance review of his place in The Authority.

Neville vs. Viktor

– Neville defeats Viktor with Red Arrow.

These are all segments to lead into the main event of Raw, which will get plenty of time to happen. It’s hard to make three hours of filled up content, so there is bound to be a bit of down time. Doing it before the main event makes the most sense.

This leads into the match of Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper with Braun Strowman at ringside.

Next: Segment No. 12