WWE RAW Preview: October 5th Edition

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Courtesy of WWE.com

The Future of John Cena’s US Title

RAW’s unpredictability this week comes from a non-kayfabe place. The current United States Champion, John Cena, asked a couple of months back for some personal time after the Hell in a Cell PPV. Just this past week, that news got leaked and the WWE confirmed that Cena would be getting time off for “personal reasons.”

Cena doesn’t have a feud lined up for Hell in a Cell and the WWE may not want the US Title to go unused for an extended period. This gives the WWE a number of options to explore. They could just let Cena survive with the belt through the PPV and just have it take a break while he is gone. That would give the IC Title a bit of a mainstream push that it has lacked.

Or tonight could prove as the beginning to a feud where Cena drops the belt. He could even drop it during the US Title Open Challenge to really shock the WWE Universe. If they do that, a name like Cesaro makes a lot of sense. He already has a history with Cena over the US title and putting together a program in three weeks time wouldn’t be too difficult.

But this is the WWE we are talking about here, which means Cena likely keeps the belt until his “surprise” return that gets teased 14 times the night it happens.

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