WWE Hell in a Cell 2015: 5 Reasons Why You Should Watch

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Things are getting really, real.

True, some fans may say having two Hell in a Cell matches could dilute the prestige of one of WWE’s most diabolical matches ever, but the war that has raged on between Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns makes this match a fitting end between the two. Alongside months of mind games from Wyatt, Roman has taken the fight to the Wyatt Family, and looks to come out on top, this Sunday.

Since Brock, Undertaker, Cena, and Orton are gone for the next couple weeks or months; the WWE is going to need to replace that star power with some new face in the main event scene. With a potential show stealing match, both wrestlers will look to impress. Don’t expect anyone getting sent off the cell, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Bray took a big bump in this one.

With Braun Strowman and Erick Rowan (aka Luke Harper’s stunt man) forced to sit on the outside, Reigns should have a fair shot at taking down “The Eater of Worlds”. Although, it wouldn’t be surprising if Braun rips the lock or door off its hinges, just to get at the former Shield member.

In short, it’s another HIAC match, and who’s going to complain about that?

Next: No. 3: ...And Still?