WWE Hell in a Cell 2015: Ranking Every Match from the Show

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7. WWE Tag Team Championship Match
New Day (c) vs. The Dudley Boyz

This had to be the night that The New Day got their comeuppance and finally lost their Tag Team Tiles didn’t it? Apparently not.

The Dudley Boyz had basically won the belts on two previous occasions, only to see Xavier Woods cause disqualifications. This time it wouldn’t happen though as Bubba and D-Von had taken him out of action and he wasn’t present. Seeing Kofi and Big E come out without their third Unicorn was slightly strange, it left them missing a bit of their usual greatness (And what is all this Unicorn rubbish?)

The Dudleys will undoubtedly get their tenth title reign, it just wasn’t meant to happen on this night. We saw the usual match we’ve come accustomed to between these teams, minus  the greatness of Xavier playing the ringside trombone. The heels had the beating of their opponents, a hot tag occurred, we thought they’d hit the 3D but Kofi got the Trouble in Paradise for the win.

That was it, nothing different really to what we’ve seen before, you can bet your bottom dollar there’ll be another match between them soon. New Day are one of the most over things in WWE and are so entertaining, you just get the feeling that when the Dudleys finally get their win and take the Tag Team Championship, the moment will have passed.

Next: No. 6