5 Ways WWE Can Console Ronda Rousey

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No. 1 – Break Out Adam Rose’s Exotic Express 

A majority of the items on this list will probably serve as extreme coping mechanisms. And if you know anything about doing poorly on a test in high school and having a stinker game as an athlete, what do you do the first chance you get? Party your face off!

Ronda failed against Holly Holm and teaming up with Adam Rose would be mutually beneficial. In recent months, we have rarely seen Adam Rose on WWE tv, and when we have he was either talking about poop on NXT or wearing glasses that made him look like a professor who was about to get fired for sexual harassment. Being Rousey’s ‘supplier’ may just be the illicit way to go.

For Rousey, she has become the healthiest and most badass athlete on the planet, living an impeccably healthy lifestyle. In a universe that bases itself on balance, perhaps Rousey is due for a night of bad rave music, mind erasers and an ice luge. And when she wakes up with little memory of what happened the night prior, she can put closure on her UFC defeat, put on some Natasha Bedingfield and know that “the rest is still unwritten.”

Next: No. 2 - Feed Me More