5 Ways WWE Can Console Ronda Rousey

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No. 3 – See a Statue, Be a Statue

WWE is in the sports business. So when a great player falls just shorter of winning a championship, but is a pending free agent, does the loss hurt their value? Not if you’re the team that wants them. Why distance yourself when the time to swoop in and commit the robbery is now. Don’t let Ronda Rousey get down, especially when you can immediately build her up. Recruit her like the Los Angeles Clippers recruited DeAndre Jordan (stalking and intimidation). Even if you can’t recruit her, send some obvious gifts her way: WWE tickets, on-air mentions, her own statue, etc.

A few months ago The Authority rewarded Seth Rollins’ hard work as WWE champion by creating a life-size, Andre The Giant-caliber statue as he had just won the US Championship thanks to a victory over John Cena. Rollins was the man and, despite crowd reaction, he earned that statue.

Since WWE is also in the entertainment business, they can make a very Hollywood move and reward something to someone who has pretty much done nothing for them. This is like when a baseball team has to pay an exorbitant fee just for the right to bid on an international baseball player. College students do this all the time when they have to pay for the opportunity to find parking on campus, even though there is no guarantee. By creating the WWE ‘Ronda Rousey Monument,’ Vince and company can show her that it is just a matter of time before she steps in the squared circle. And when she does… see #4.

Next: No. 4 - The Divas' Execution