5 Ways WWE Can Console Ronda Rousey

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No. 5 – RR is for Ronda Rousey

So far on this list, we’ve had Ronda Rousey binge drink, binge eat, be immortalized and be given a free pass to assault female wrestlers. The only way WWE could go further is to cater to their future star acquisition by giving them the keys to the car. The only problem is right now those keys are being held by Roman Reigns.

Recent rumors were swirling that if Seth Rollins had never gotten injured, Roman would’ve beaten him at Survivor Series for the WWE title. The victory would immediately verify that WWE’s plan is to be the next top guy in the company. But since Ronda is the sweeter apple in their eye, maybe it is time to copy and paste Ronda’s name over Roman’s. Not only do their initials match, but also Roman’s slogans are compatible with Ronda. “I Can. I Will.” “Hit Hard. Hit Often.” “The Next John Cena.” (Well, two of those are accurate.) Those maxims will do just as much, if not more, to elevate Ronda’s persona.

Unfortunately, such a move would leave Roman Reigns out in the cold, but that could ultimately make him the bitter, top level heel that hardcore fans everywhere have yearned for. Of course, WWE doesn’t have to do that. We can just make Roman the third Uso brother.

Next: WWE Raw Review

So if you’re WWE, give Ronda a hug, send her a gift basket, and even tell her your email passwords, because it’s been a tough week and Ronda needs some friends. She’s still invincible to us.