Check out the greatest matches of all-time from WWE Survivor Series.
With WrestleMania about four months away and plans starting to take formation as to what direction the WWE will go in its final push towards the biggest show of the year, there have been other events known for hosting memorable moments that would be the earliest seeds planted for the WrestleMania season.
What makes Survivor Series special is that they have the traditional elimination tag team match that would range from three-on-three, four-on-four or five-on-five for matches that featured collection of superstars that wouldn’t always team together except for this unique event on the WWE pay-per-view calendar.
ALSO ON DAILY DDT: Ranking All 28 WWE Survivor Series Matches
However, the best matches aren’t always the ones where we see teams of the best to show a true war between good and evil with babyfaces on one corner and the big bad heels on the opposite corner. Rivalries have been born and legends have been made with superstars being given a chance to make their name to help set up their eventual rise to find a more concrete spot on the main event card.
The following list of the 10 best matches of Survivor Series’ history will provide a mixture of matches that ranged from singles bouts for the world heavyweight championship to multi-man main events and elimination tag team matches that had so much more on the line beyond a single world heavyweight title.
Maybe this year’s Survivor Series card won’t provide the same quality and that’s because the 10 matches listed here have set the bar high for other Survivor Series cards to try to meet.
Next: No. 10