WWE Raw Review: Results, Analysis and Grades for Post-Survivor Series Show
Photo Courtesy of WWE.com
Heath Slater and Ryback Segment
Heath Slater came out first and told the pro-country crowd that he was going to treat them to some rock and roll.
Heath was warming up his pipes when Ryback’s music hit. Ryback came down to the ring, and Slater hit him with a guitar when he wasn’t looking.
That only made Ryback mad. He hit Slater with the Meathook and then the Shell Shock.
Photo Courtesy of WWE.com
Dolph Ziggler and Dean Ambrose vs. Kevin Owens and Tyler Breeze
Result: Dolph Ziggler and Dean Ambrose win via pinfall
Rating: 2.6 out of 5 stars
Ziggler and Breeze started the match with some headlocks. Owens got tagged in shortly after, receiving a small amount of “Fight Owens Fight” chants. Ambrose also tagged in, which prompted Owens to tag Breeze back in. Ziggler would also return as a result. Ziggler went on the offensive, but Breeze stopped him with a kick to the face.
Owens tagged in and continued the onslaught with a running senton. Owens and Breeze trapped Ziggler in the corner and took turns beating on him. Owens put Ziggler in a headlock, which Ziggler fought out of, but Dolph then got caught by Owens when he dove for the tag to Ambrose.
Ziggler wouldn’t be deterred, though, and connected with a dropkick. Ziggler went for the tag again and made it, despite having his leg held by Owens. Breeze also tagged in. Ambrose unleashed his attack on Breeze before knocking him outside the ring.
Dean would hit a suicide dive and tossed Breeze back into the ring. Next he followed up with a flying elbow from the corner. Breeze tried to fight back, but Ambrose hit the rebound clothesline.
Dean would hit Dirty Deeds while Owens looked on.
Strangely, KO didn’t try to break up the pin. Ambrose and Ziggler picked up the victory while Owens walked away. Eugene’s note: None of these matches have any purpose! Why are they doing this?!
Next: The Main Event