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Outside the Top-10
Rusev and King Barrett: The flavor of the week as far as Authority cronies are concerned. It’s unclear whether this is going to be a long-term relationship, or if it was just a matter of the Big Show being busy on Monday. For now these two are the top candidates for helping make Reigns’ life a living hell over the next couple weeks. Take that for what it’s worth.
The New Day: So entertaining and so bogged down by a lack of competition that meets their level of charisma. Watching the Lucha Dragons and Usos try to keep up with the New Day on the mic was sad. The New Day deserves opponents that feed off their energy, as opposed to draining it.
Dolph Ziggler: And just when you think Ziggler might be moving in the right direction again, he takes a million steps backwards. The loss to Tyler Breeze at Survivor Series was understandable, but those two deserved more time in the ring. It’s a fact that Ziggler is capable of putting on a great match; however, he is rarely afforded the opportunity to do so. To be fair, most Superstars seem aimless coming out of Survivor Series, yet out of those who will get something going heading into TLC, Ziggler could easily end up in feud purgatory against, say, Fernando.
Jack Swagger: Hey guys… It’s Swaggie time.
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