WWE TLC 2015 Review: Results, Analysis and Grades; Sheamus vs. Roman Reigns

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Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks

Result: Sasha Banks defeats Becky Lynch via submission

Rating: 3.0 out of 5.0 stars

Sasha came out first to a roaring hometown reception.

Team BAD got on the mic and sang a modified version of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” before Becky Lynch came out.

The two locked up to kick off the match and engaged in a series of holds until Becky was whipped into the corner. Sasha monkey-flipped Becky into a pin, but Becky kicked out. They two had some more back and forth until Becky managed to get the upper hand and went for the Disarm-her. Sasha got to the rope for the break and started fighting back, but Becky hit a series of arm drags and then locked in an armbar.

Becky went for a pair of roll-ups, and Sasha kicked out of both. Becky then continued to work on Sasha’s arm with more arm drags and arm bars. Sasha muscled her way out and got Becky into the corner. Sasha stacked Becky on the middle rope and drove the jumping knees into her back as we went to a commercial break.

Back from commercial and Sasha was still in control. Team BAD worked in some cheap shots from the outside. Becky battled back, but Sasha hit a backstabber. Sasha went for the Bank Statement; however, Becky resisted. Becky impressively lifted Sasha on her shoulders.

Sasha reversed it into a roll-up, which led to a series of pin attempts. Becky regained control of the match with some clotheslines and a leg drop. Becky went for the leg drop again, but Sasha rolled out of the way. Sasha hit a neckbreaker, but Becky kicked out of the pin. Becky hit an exploder to buy some time as she tried to regain her composure.

Becky returned to trying to lock in the Disarm-her and eventually got it fully locked in. Naomi snuck in a shot on Becky when the referee wasn’t looking, and that set up Sasha to trap Becky in the Bank Statement. Becky tapped out, giving Sasha the victory.

Eugene’s Note: Sasha and Becky did great with the time they were given, but it felt like the match ended with both ladies having a lot left in the tank.

Alberto Del Rio in the Social Media Lounge

Sitting down with Tom Phillips, Alberto Del Rio answered some questions from the WWE Universe. Del Rio answered a question about the reason behind his return to WWE, saying that he came back because the WWE is the grand stage of wrestling.

When asked if he was scared of Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio brushed Swagger off like he was nothing.

Del Rio then discussed his why he joined the League of the Nations and talked about how he wanted to form a union with the greatest wrestlers on the planet. He said he expected them to win all the titles in WWE.

Lastly, when asked about the dissolution of his relationship with Zeb Colter, Del Rio said he shouldn’t have trusted an American.

Next: Triple-Threat Ladder Match