WWE TLC 2015 Review: Results, Analysis and Grades; Sheamus vs. Roman Reigns

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Rusev vs. Ryback

Result: Rusev defeated Ryback via TKO

Rating: 2.3 out of 5.0 stars The two big men exchanged blows before taking the action outside. It was short lived and the two returned to the ring, where Ryback hit an ax handle from the turnbuckle. Ryback then pressed Rusev and hit a running splash.

Ryback trapped Rusev in the corner, but Rusev powered out and hung Ryback up on the top rope. Rusev then started choking Ryback on the bottom rope.  Rusev continued to wear Ryback down. Ryback tried to mount some offense and eventually changed the tides when he reversed Rusev’s suplex attempt. Ryback hit a series of shoulder tackles and hit a dropkick off the middle rop.

Ryback called for the Shell Shock. Rusev powered out, but Ryback followed up with a crossbody from the top rope.

Ryback signaled the Meathook, but Rusev rolled out of the ring.

Rusev tried to walk out on the match; however, Ryback stopped him. Rusev then shoved Ryback, Lana pretended to get knocked down. The distraction enabled Rusev to hit a superkick.

Rusev rolled Ryback into the ring and called for the Accolade. Ryback fought out and went for the Shell Shock, but Rusev rolled out of that and kicked Ryback in the back of the head. This time he locked in the Accolade, and Ryback passed out.

Eugene’s Note: This match could’ve just been on Raw.

Next: U.S. Championship Chairs Match