WWE TLC 2015 Review: Results, Analysis and Grades; Sheamus vs. Roman Reigns

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U.S. Championship Chairs Match

Alberto Del Rio(c) vs. Jack Swagger

Result: Alberto Del Rio defeated Jack Swagger via pinfall.

Rating: 3.0 out of 5.0 stars

The match started with the two men slapping chairs against one another. The action rolled to the outside where Swagger started slamming Del Rio’s face against a chair.

Back in the ring, Swagger went for the running corner splash, but Del Rio reversed with a chair to the gut. Del Rio took control and unleashed some chair shots on Swagger. Del Rio stuck a chair in the corner, but Swagger started fighting back. Del Rio whipped Swagger in the corner, and he managed to stop before running into the chair, but Del Rio hit a backstabber.

Del Rio grabbed a chair and hit more shots on Swagger. Del Rio then ran at Swagger, but got a chair thrown at his face. Swagger took control with some running clotheslines. Swagger went for the Swagger Bomb, but Del Rio reversed. Del Rio hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker; however, he only got a two count.

Del Rio threw Swagger out of the ring and started piling chairs on him. Del Rio rolled Swagger back into the ring, went for another pin, and again only got a two-count. Del Rio called for the crossarm breaker, and Swagger countered by throwing Del Rio shoulder first into a ringpost.

Swagger started hitting Del Rio with chairshots. Swagger then trapped Del Rio’s leg in a chair and locked in the Patriot Lock. Del Rio went for ropebreaks, but since it was No DQ, it didn’t matter. Del Rio eventually crawled to the end of the ring and fell out.

Del Rio picked up a chair and hit Swagger in the gut from the outside. Del Rio then took the chair to the top rope and dove at Swagger, but Swagger caught him and turned it into a powerslam. Swagger went for the Swagger Bomb again and connected, but Del Rio kicked out of the pin.

Frustrated, Swagger threw more chairs into the ring. Swagger lifted Del Rio onto the top rope, but Del Rio reversed into a crossarm breaker using the ropes. Swagger managed to fight back. Del Rio grabbed another chair and unloaded on Swagger. Del Rio created a new pile of chairs, and with Swagger hung up on the middle rope, Del Rio hit the double stomp from the turnbuckle, driving Swagger into the chairs. Del Rio got the pin and the win.

Eugene’s Note: Better than expected. Not a bad show so far.

Next: Tables Match