WWE TLC 2015 Review: Results, Analysis and Grades; Sheamus vs. Roman Reigns

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Intercontinental Championship Match

Kevin Owens(c) vs. Dean Ambrose

Result: Dean Ambrose defeated Kevin Owens to become the new Intercontinental Champion

Rating: 3.4 out of 5.0 stars

Owens came out talking trash about Boston sports teams and compared their shortcomings to those of Dean Ambrose.

Ambrose came out shortly after, and the match got underway with Dean Ambrose taking control early.

Ambrose’s unique offense was on display for a bit before Owens reversed a running bulldog into a club to the back of Ambrose’s head. Owens settled into a groove, connected with some shots on Ambrose and transitioned that into a headlock. Ambrose fought out of the headlock, but as he went for the ropes, Owens slowed him down with a belly-to-belly throw.

Owens locked in another headlock. Again Ambrose fought out, this time hitting a back body drop. Ambrose went for Dirty Deeds; Owens reversed, and then Ambrose reversed with a double axe-handle smash. Owens rolled out of the ring, and Ambrose followed with a suicide dive. Ambrose then tried a unique maneuver using the ring apron, but Owens reversed with a fallaway slam into the barricade.

Owens hit a running senton and threw Ambrose into the timekeeper’s area.

He then went back in the ring and waited as the ref counted against Ambrose. Ambrose just beat the count at nine, and Owens went for another running senton, but Dean got his knees up to reverse.

Ambrose took over with his chop-jab combo, followed by his patented second-effort clothesline. Ambrose went for the top rope elbow, but Owens reversed with a German suplex. Owens then went for the cannonball splash in the corner, but now Ambrose reversed. Ambrose then successfully hit the flying elbow; however, he only managed a two count.

Ambrose lifted Owens onto the corner turnbuckle, but Owens reversed and lifted Ambrose on his shoulders before hitting a rolling senton from the middle rope. Ambrose collected some energy, though, and went for Dirty Deeds, which Owens fought out of. Then Owens went for the pop-up powerbomb, and this time Ambrose reversed and hit Dirty Deeds! Ambrose went for the pin, but Owens got his finger on the rope to break the count.

Owens mounted some offense and kicked Ambrose in the head. He then threw Ambrose into the rope and went for the the pop-up powerbomp again. Ambrose reversed with a headscissors into a pin and got the one, two, three! New champion, Dean Ambrose!

Eugene’s note: Great match with a solid ending. Glad to see Ambrose get some championship gold.

Next: Diva's Championship