WWE TLC 2015 Review: Results, Analysis and Grades; Sheamus vs. Roman Reigns

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WWE Diva’s Championship Match

Charlotte(c) vs. Paige

Result: Charlotte defeated Paige via Pinfall

Rating: 3.2 out of 5.0 stars

Ric Flair was in the house to stand in Charlotte’s corner for this title match.

After the official introduction, the match started with Charlotte offering a handshake to Paige. Paige turned her back for a second, and Charlotte kicked her. Despite the initial advantage, Paige was able to stop the attack before it really got going, hitting multiple knees to Charlotte’s face from the ring apron.

Then we saw some Ric Flair-isms, first with Charlotte doing a classic Flair flop, followed by Paige doing a Flair strut while Charlotte recovered outside the ring. Paige went after Charlotte outside the ring, and Charlotte ran back into the ring. As Paige pursued, Ric Flair distracted Paige, allowing Charlotte to hit a cheap shot to take control of the match.

Charlotte hit an innovative neckbreaker on Paige from the middle rope and transitioned that into a headlock. She kept it locked in, and when Paige tried to fight out, Charlotte slammed her to the mat by the hair. Charlotte continued with the Flair-isms by pulling down her knee brace and dropping the knee on a downed Paige.

Paige got a burst of energy and leapt on Charlotte’s back locking in a headlock of her own. Charlotte was able to eventually fall backwards to break the hold, and then she went for the Figure Four. Paige briefly fought out, but a shoulder tackle to Paige’s knee stopped the comeback.

Charlotte then wrenched Paige’s leg around the ring post; however, Paige was able to reverse and knock Charlotte’s head into the ring post. All the while Ric Flair went to undo one of the pads on a turbuckle, but the referee caught him.

Paige took control of the match and locked the Figure Four in on Charlotte in the center of the ring. Charlotte was able to roll over and reverse the pressure, but Paige made it to the rope to force the break.

The two women exchanged boots to the face, with Charlotte coming out on top. Charlotte went to the top rope and hit a corkscrew crossbody, but only got the two count. Charlotte went for the swinging neckbreaker, but Paige reversed into a Fisherman’s Suplex pin. Again, another two count.

Paige went for a running knee, yet Charlotte reversed into a DDT. Charlotte went for consecutive pins, Paige kicking out of all of them. Paige then got on offense and hit the RamPaige, but Ric Flair put Charlotte’s foot on the rope when the ref wasn’t looking.

Outraged, Paige yelled at Ric Flair, giving Charlotte the opening to finish removing the padding from the turnbuckle. Charlotte then slammed Paige’s face into the exposed corner and got the three count.

Eugene’s Note: This match had Ric Flair all over that. They’re tip-toeing a fine line, but the match had very old-school feel to it and was well done by everyone involved.

After the match, Charlotte ran into Becky Lynch backstage. Becky said she wasn’t happy with how Charlotte was doing things. Charlotte said she was just doing what she had to do, and offered a pinky promise to Becky. However, when Becky tried to complete the gesture, Ric Flair locked pinkies with Charlotte instead. The two walked away as Becky stood baffled.

Next: WWE World Heavyweight Championship TLC Match