WWE Power Rankings: Dec. 15, 2015, Post-TLC
Photo Courtesy of WWE.com
Roman Reigns
Last Rank: 1
Week Highlights: Won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship; managed to keep his job.
Michael Cole mentioned on Raw how everything came full circle for Reigns, as his title win on Raw took place at the same venue as his infamous Royal Rumble victory earlier this year. What Cole omitted was just how much people hated Reigns after that fateful night back in January.
Reigns’ transformation and his rise in popularity with the fans over the past week has been nothing short of incredible, and so much of it is due to smart booking. Recently Daily DDT posted an article that discussed the importance of striking when the iron is hot when it comes to pushing main event players, and after Reigns’ reception at the end of TLC, the WWE had a window of opportunity that they desperately needed to capitalize on.
Compare the ovation between Reigns’ title win at Survivor Series to that on Monday Night Raw and see for yourself. Plenty of Superstars have successfully skyrocketed their reputation by turning from a heel to a face, but very few have ever managed to regain widespread adoration of fans after falling into a pit of indifference like the one Roman Reigns was trapped in.
Bravo Roman: unlike last week, you’ve genuinely earned the top spot on Daily DDT’s WWE Power Rankings.