WWE Raw Review: Results, Analysis and Grades; Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus

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“LOL” Moment of the Year Winner

R-Truth thinking he was in the Money in the Bank ladder match wins.

St. Mick

Mick Foley in a Santa Claus costume starts talking about New Day. His kids in Elf costumes then chant “New Day sucks”.

“OMG” Shocking Moment of the Year

Paul Heyman is out to announce the “OMG” Shocking Moment of the Year. He says Brock Lesnar should be winning just about every award (except Diva of the Year and “LOL” Moment of the Year).

After the commercial, Kalisto is announced as the winner.

Kevin Owens vs. Dolph Ziggler

Result: Kevin Owens defeats Dolph Ziggler via pinfall.

Rating: 2.8 out of 5 stars

Ziggler went right after Owens and hit him with a dropkick. He hit a few right hands and put KO into a lock. Owens then comes back with a punch but misses a clothesline. Ziggler puts a sleeper hold on Owens, which he broke out of. Owens stomped on Ziggler and hit him in the face.

Owens hit an elbow to the face of Ziggler and a chop at ringside. He then threw Ziggler into the barricade.

In the ring, Owens would get a near-fall.

After a long hold from KO, Ziggler broke out of it but got hit with a knee to the mid-section and a running senton for a near-fall. He took down Ziggler again for a near-fall and drove his elbow into Dolph’s back.

Ziggler would fight back with a splash in the corner until Owens hit a vicious clothesline. Ziggler came back with a DDT.

We come back to see Owens hitting a superplex for a near-fall. He would go for the Pop-Up Powerbomb, miss, and get superkicked by Ziggler to go flying out of the ring. Owens would bounce him off the announce table and throw him back into the ring.

In the ring, Ziggler hit the Fameasser for a near-fall.

Owens then hit the Pop-Up Powerbomb for the win.

Rob’s Note: Fun match. Can only wonder if it means Ziggler is out of the IC Title picture.

Superstar of the Year

Stephanie McMahon is out to a chorus of boos as she talks about the Superstar of the Year award.

Next: Superstar of the Year Winner