WWE Raw Review: Results, Analysis and Grades; Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus

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Superstar of the Year Winner

Seth Rollins wins Superstar of the Year. He comes out on crutches and says “Was there really any other options for Superstar of the Year”? He talks about everything he has done this year.

Rollins talks about how all his success disappeared with one wrong landing. He says in 2016, he will rebuild himself and “come back to retain the title I never lost.”

Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger

Result: Alberto Del Rio defeats Jack Swagger via pinfall.

Rating: 2.2 out of 5 stars

Del Rio begins by kicking Swagger in the stomach and hitting right hands. Swagger comes back with a clothesline.

With Swagger on the outside, Del Rio hit a kick through the ropes and shoved him into the barricade.

We come back to see Del Rio in control of Swagger. He throws him into the turnbuckle and hits a clothesline. He hits a DDT for a near-fall.

As Del Rio went for a kick, he missed and Swagger took him down. He hit the Swagger Bomb for a near-fall. Del Rio then set him up for the double foot stomp on the ropes, hit it, and won.