WWE Raw Review: Results, Analysis and Grades; Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus

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Hero in All of Us Award

Mark Henry presents the award and it goes to John Cena, who was unable to be there to accept it.

Surprise Return of the Year

“Santa Claus” is out to present the award, but it turns out to be Bo Dallas. The winner goes to Sting’s return on the night after SummerSlam.

New Day Promo

We see New Day in the ring. They start complaining about not winning Tag Team of the Year. They say everyone should be ashamed of themselves for not helping them win.

Big E threatens to spoil Star Wars until Kofi Kingston cuts him off. They then brag and dance about being WWE Tag Team Champions.

The Usos then come out for a match with them.

New Day vs. The Usos

Result: The Usos defeat New Day via pinfall.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

Jimmy Uso hits a chop on Kofi and a shoulder tackle. He then hits a back suplex and tags in Jey Uso. He drives his shoulder and tags in Jimmy, who hits a splash in the corner and an arm drag.

Kofi works back with a punch and kick to the ribs. Jimmy hits an enziguri and Kofu gets pulled out of the ring. The Usos then set up for a dive, which New Day runs away from.

We come back to see The Usos in control of Xavier Woods. Jimmy hits an uppercut on Xavier but gets hit with an enziguri by Kofi. New Day then begins their stomping train. Kofi would kick Jimmy for a near-fall.

Big E tagged in and put an abdominal stretch on Jimmy. He then drove his shoulder into Jimmy’s gut for a near-fall.

Kofi came in and hit two kicks on Jimmy. Big E tagged in and hit a splash for a near-fall.

Jimmy would work back by taking down Big E but Woods tagged in. However, he got sent out of the ring.

Jey made the hot tag and hit multiple clotheslines. He then hit a splash in the corner and used a Rikishi move. He hit an enziguri on Big E and a Samoan Drop on Woods for a near-fall.

Kofi would try to jump in but got sent away. They then went for a double dive but Big E stopped it. Woods would attempt a roll-up and miss but then got rolled up by Jey for the win.

Rob’s Note: Fun match, but I guess we might be heading towards another triple threat WWE Tag Team Champiosnhip match depending on what happens tomorrow.

Diva of the Year

R-Truth comes out to announce the nominees for Diva of the Year.

Next: Diva of the Year Winner