WWE Raw Review: Results, Analysis and Grades; Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus

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Diva of the Year Winner

Paige wins Diva of the Year, so we thought. R-Truth then whispers to her that she actually was the runner-up. Nikki Bella won Diva of the Year.

Neville vs. Rusev

Result: Rusev defeats Neville via submission.

Rating: 2.2 out of 5 stars

The Miz is on commentary for this match.

Neville hits multiple kicks until he gets taken down by Rusev. He hit a right hand on Neville to take him down and a scoop slam for a near-fall.

Neville came back with an enziguri and a forearm. He then hit a missile dropkick off the top rope and a cross-body on Rusev. However, he would get caught, driven into the ring post and suplexed onto the mat.

We come back to see Rusev in control of Neville with a splash in the corner. As he goes for a second one, Neville dodges it. He then climbs to the top rope and hit a moonsault onto Rusev.

After he went for a move off the ropes, Neville hit a kick to the face to set up the Red Arrow. However, Rusev got up and hit a superkick. This set up The Accolade for the submission win.

Rob’s Note: Neville joining Miz at some point doesn’t seem farfetched. Not like he’s doing much else at this point.

“This is Awesome” Moment of the Year

The Miz is out to present the award.