WWE RAW Preview: Slammy Awards; What’s Next for Roman Reigns?

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Roman’s next challenge

Last week, Roman Reigns achieved a lifelong dream. He became WWE World Heavyweight Champion. After battling all the odds, including an appearance from Mr. McMahon himself, Reigns closed out RAW as champion. First off, a title change on RAW was a surprising twist, as we haven’t had many of those over the past couple of years. Second, Reigns achieved this dream in the city that booed him almost a year ago, Philadelphia. Reigns left the Royal Rumble as the winner but was booed out of the arena even with The Rock raising his arm. What a difference a year can make. Or in Reigns’ case, what a difference two days make. TLC and RAW shot Reigns through the moon as a babyface and got him over with the fans.

Now, as champion, the bullseye on Reigns’ back will only get bigger. He also still has to answer for his actions last week. He speared the COO of the company in Triple H and Superman punched Vince McMahon. Those two don’t forget things, and I’m sure they will both have something to say to the new champion.  Also, Sheamus will be looking for his rematch, which should take place at the Rumble. That should be announced sooner rather than later.

Next: IC Title Picture