WWE Fastlane 2016 Results: AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho Video Highlights


The newly acquired AJ Styles goes up against Chris Jericho at WWE Fastlane, who came out the winner? Let’s check out the video highlights!

Since debuting at the Royal Rumble, AJ Styles has been the sole focus of Chris Jericho, a veteran of the WWE who looks to put the WWE newcomer in his place. The Raw after the Royal Rumble, the two wrestlers faced off where Styles was able to pull off win, thanks to a surprising roll-up. For weeks, the two men went back and forth in promos and tag matches before finally squaring off one-on-one on SmackDown. This time around Jericho was able to even things up with a Codebreaker to get the 1-2-3 against “The Phenomenal One.”

That brings us to tonight, with a 1-1 tie we get to witness the rubber match between two of the most well traveled veteran wrestlers in the world. How did Styles hold up in his first ever singles WWE Pay-Per-View match? Here are the video highlights from Fastlane.

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Feeling out process to start the match, plenty of counters from both wrestlers, which should be expect being the third time they’ve seen each other in singles’ competition.

Both wrestlers have been thrown to the outside and when the action worked its way back into the ring, AJ attempted a dive over the top rope, but Jericho countered with a nasty dropkick to the stomach.

AJ Styles picks up the pace with his physicality and agility going for a back flip off the ropes into a reverse DDT on Jericho. Y2J is able to recover with yet another counter on AJ as he attempts a springboard forearm, falling to the mat.

Jericho is able to lock in the Walls of Jericho, right in the center of the ring, but AJ is able to scratch and claw his way to the ropes, breaking the hold and rolling to the outside. Jericho follows Styles out, throwing him into the barricade and applying the Liontamer to induce further injury. Styles gets back on the apron, and Y2J lands a Codebreaker! Styles is able to recover, hits a Styles Clash, only gets a 2, and goes right into the Calf Crusher, which Jericho initially withstands, but ultimately has to tap out to the pain.

Next: WWE Fastlane 2016 Live Review

A well paced matched that included an insane amount of counters, which plays into the story of their third match. Still think we can see more out of AJ, but he did a fantastic job overcoming Jericho with his awesome offensive moveset. One minor hiccup with Jericho almost dropping AJ on his head while holding him upside down in the corner, luckily Jericho saved it. Kind of stunned that Jericho was able to kick out of the Styles Clash, but in the end, it didn’t matter, very much looking forward to Styles’ next feud.