WWE WrestleMania 32 Predictions: Kalisto vs. Ryback


A look at who could win this WrestleMania 32 match between Kalisto and Ryback.

One of the three WrestleMania 32 Kickoff Show matches that will take place is Kalisto vs. Ryback for the WWE United States Championship. This bout was made a few weeks ago after a few interactions between the two Superstars.

The Lucha Dragon is at a size disadvantage here against the Big Guy. This has been the basis of the storyline with Kalisto often looking overmatched.

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Who could walk out with the U.S. title at WrestleMania 32? The Daily DDT staff laid out their predictions.

Brandon Carney – Contributor

This one could go either way, but I expect Kalisto’s title reign to continue a bit longer. Although turning Ryback heel was probably the right move, WWE would be smart to wait and see how it pans out before strapping another title on him, especially given how unsuccessful his Intercontinental title run was.

Prediction: Kalisto

Bryan Heaton – Contributor

Much of this match is centered on the size difference between the competitors, so expect Ryback to throw his weight around until Kalisto gets a comeback for a surprise victory to retain.

Prediction: Kalisto

Carl Gac – Contributor

With the way the United States title has been booked since Kalisto won it, maybe it’s time for him to pass the belt on to someone that WWE seems to actually care about building as a star. A heel Ryback holding the belt can be a good building block for the return of John Cena down the line, and the return of the U.S. title Open Challenge.

Prediction: Ryback

Jordan Campbell – Contributor

I totally forgot that these two were fighting. So much for The United States Championship being relevant. Kalisto wins.

Prediction: Kalisto

Joshua Gagnon – Contributor

If WWE wants to continue the string of quality U.S. title matches, they will not give it to Ryback.

Prediction: Kalisto

Joshua Gibbs – Contributor

So long as Alberto del Rio stays far away from this match I’ll be happy. During Sin Cara’s absence, Kalisto proved he can hold his own in singles competition and I believe he earned the right to hold onto this belt a little bit longer. Considering how poorly he was booked against Del Rio it’s the least they can do.

Prediction: Kalisto

Evan Gomes – Contributor

This match has not been built up enough. WWE is high on both, but Kalisto getting the scrappy win is a lot better story than having the RyBerg get a championship victory.

This should’ve been the ladder match. I’m not bitter, but I totally am.

Prediction: Kalisto

Rob Wolkenbrod – Managing Editor

It would be hard to believe that WWE would have a title change on the WrestleMania 32 Kickoff Show. They didn’t have one occur each of the past two years, so I fully expect Kalisto to retain. However, most heel turns happen for a reason, so maybe Ryback comes out on top.

Prediction: Kalisto

Scott Littleton – Contributor

This is once again the classic David vs Goliath type of matchup that WWE likes to put on from time to time. It takes a very special kind of performance from both performers to make it a believable matchup should the smaller guy win. Kalisto definitely has the skills to pull that off and Ryback might be able to put Kalisto over if that is the call. However, it also could be time to turn Ryback into a full blown heel and him destroying the beloved Kalisto would be a great way to do so.

Prediction: Ryback

Tim Sherry – Contributor

Since there really is no future for either of these guys with the title, I’ll assume the baby face will go over. Kalisto will win in a fluky manner.

Prediction: Kalisto

Travis Hopson – Contributor

Tough to care about this one. Ryback’s reversion back to a bullying heel is as boring as the last time. Meanwhile WWE has done little to make Kalisto’s title reign seem important. Kalisto likely retains but don’t expect him to be champ for much longer.

Prediction: Kalisto

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It looks like we are 9-2 in favor of Kalisto. Who will win this WrestleMania 32 match?