WWE WrestleMania 32 Results: New Day vs. League of Nations Video Highlights


Did the WWE Tag Team Champions have the ability to overcome the numbers game at WrestleMania?

As guests on the Cutting Edge Peep Show at WWE Fastlane, New Day took the opportunity to mock the League of Nations. For several weeks, Big E, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods would take every chance they could get to get under the foreign faction’s skin.

In a WWE Tag Team Championship match at WWE Roadblock, New Day successfully defended the titles against Sheamus and King Barrett. The League of Nations then sent out Rusev and Alberto Del Rio the following Monday on Raw in another championship match – they, too, were unsuccessful.

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Having failed twice to win the gold, the League of Nations decided to viciously assault all three members of New Day. Later on Raw, The Lads challenged the champions to another match at WrestleMania. New Day accepted, setting up a 3-on-4 handicap match between the groups.

Read along for results and highlights of the skirmish between the squads.

New Day got things going quickly by making their grand entrance from a giant box of Booty-Os, complete with DragonBall Z-inspired vests.

Interestingly, Lillian Garcia announced the match as a six-man tag match, with Barrett accompanying the Lads to ringside, but not competing.

The League spent most of the early part of the match isolating Xavier Woods. Sheamus hit his Beats of the Bowery forearm smashes, but to the rhythm of “New… Day Rocks” instead of a steady ten count.

Rusev followed things up with a massive rolling senton splash.

Woods finally managed to tag out, bringing Kofi into the match. Rusev and Sheamus both attacked, but Kofi fought them off and hit a double Boom Drop.

Big E entered the fray, throwing Sheamus and Rusev around with overhead belly-to-belly suplexes. He then dove through the ropes with a spear to take out the League of Nations.

Del Rio took care of Kofi with a double stomp on the ring apron, while Woods fended for himself in the ring.

Woods tried rolling Sheamus up for a pin, but Sheamus kicked out. Woods flew into a Bullhammer from Barrett on the outside, and Sheamus connected with a Brogue Kick for a victory for the Lads.

Surprising victory for the League of Nations in a night that has been full of surprising finishes, but the big story was after the match. The League of Nations claimed there were no three men who could dare to challenge them, and, well…

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…it didn’t work out so well for them.