WWE Payback 2016 Results: Roman Reigns vs. AJ Styles Video Highlights


What happened in the main event of WWE Payback between Roman Reigns and AJ Styles?

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns went head to head at WWE Payback. Reigns won the title from Triple H at WrestleMania 32 a month ago, and Styles became the number one contender to his title the following night on Monday Night Raw. Styles has seen his former Bullet Club friends Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows attack Reigns in the last few weeks, but would they have any impact on the outcome of the match?

Styles came out first to a massive response from the crowd. Reigns received deafening boos from the Chicago crowd. Both men spent the first few minutes to size each other up, before a lock up and Styles hitting a big kick to Reigns’ leg. The crowd were all over Reigns and lapping up Styles’ every move. Styles went for chops and punches, which the Champion no sold and then threw his challenger from the ring to the outside.

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Styles attempted to up the pace of the match but was knocked down by the power of Reigns. He used his strength, before hitting a big sit out power bomb. Reigns went for the Superman Punch but was hit with a Pele Kick to the head.

Styles managed to get a two count on the champion, then took it to Reigns in the corner. AJ ended up trying to lock in the Calf Crusher but Reigns managed to escape the ring. Styles knocked him to the floor as he attempted to get back in. Styles hit the Phenomenal Forearm over the top rope to the floor, with both men going through the announce table on the outside.

Styles couldn’t get Reigns back into the ring and Reigns was counted out. Styles won the match but Reigns retained the title?!? That leads to Shane McMahon coming out to announce that the match would continue with no count out.

Styles went up to the top rope and went for the 450 splash. Reigns would get his knees up, then Styles goes up to the top rope and Reigns hits him with a low blow to get DQ’d, Styles wins but Reigns retains. That lead to Stephanie coming out, and announced it was now a No DQ match.

Reigns took Styles out into the crowd, Styles hit a forearm over the barricade, both men ended up back in the ring and it looked like Styles would hit the Forearm to win the match, Reigns countered with the Superman Punch but only got a two count. Reigns hit another punch then Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson got involved.

They pulled Styles out of the ring, then hit the Boot of Doom on Reigns, to leave the Champion laying in the ring. Styles attempted to get back in the ring, recovered and hit a Phenomenal Forearm, only for Reigns to get his foot on the ropes. Anderson and Gallows looked incredulous at ringside.

That lead to The Usos coming out to even up the sides, they brawled at ringside before Reigns threw Styles off the top rope onto all four men below. Styles got out of the way and Reigns hit a dive over the top rope onto the tag teams below.

Styles hit a Forearm on the floor, rolled Reigns into the ring and a Springboard Press for a long two count. Styles went for the Styles Clash, Reigns countered and then hit a Spear to get the three count for the win and retained his title.

Backstage we saw Vince, Shane and Stephanie McMahon and they came to the conclusion that Reigns should defend the title at Extreme Rules against Styles. In three weeks time, we’ll get to see this match all over again!

So what did you think of this WWE Payback match?