WWE Battleground 2016: Predictions

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Source: WWE.com

United States Championship:
Rusev (c) vs. Zach Ryder

In what will be the first inter-brand matchup at Battleground, SmackDown’s Zach Ryder will take on Raw’s Rusev for the US Championship.  In what normally be a good opening match , the intrigue of one brand potentially having both the US and Intercontinental Championships adds more excitement to the card.

Typically Zach Ryder has been expected to lose or an underdog at best.  However, he has won the US Championship before and at WrestleMania 32 he won the Intercontinental championship as part of a 7 man ladder match.  He also was the one who won it for Team USA on the 4th of July edition of Raw which is what setup this match.

With that said, I don’t expect a title change this Sunday as part of an Interbrand matchup.  There is no reason to mix up this championship or the Intercontinental championship that could have been handled in the draft if both champions lose and no reason to have two secondary titles on the same brand.

Prediction: Rusev retains the championship

Next: Make The Intercontinental Championsip Great Again?