3 Reasons WWE Should Release Paige

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3. Paige Has Made Irresponsible Decisions

Paige is still a young woman who has a lot to learn at age 24. While most female wrestlers at that age can have some things dismissed for age, she’s more of a veteran that most in her age range. Paige actually began wrestling with the Knight family when he was just 13 years old in the United Kingdom.

A wrestler with more than a decade of professional experience should be able to make good decisions. But in recent months, her decision-making abilities have to be called into question. There has actually been backstage heat involving Alberto Del Rio and Paige having a relationship outside of the WWE.

She’s also been found in violation of the WWE Talent Wellness Policy back in August. Granted, she was apparently not home at the time she was scheduled for a random drug test. It was around the same time that Del Rio had his own wellness policy violation. That seemed to have sparked Del Rio’s departure from the company.

Both having violations close to each other didn’t help her status with the company either. Paige’s second violation of the wellness policy was quickly followed up with a series of tweets where she voiced her opinion on the matter.

Posts like this wouldn’t be good for anyone in any job field. Most employers wouldn’t tolerate comments like this and it shouldn’t be tolerated by WWE officials. While she’s a talented performer, she hasn’t shown the maturity required to be a WWE superstar.