WWE’s 5 Greatest Double Turns

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credit: wwe.com

Counting down the WWE’s top 5 double turns.

The double turn in professional wrestling is a rare sight.  The act of turning a heel into a baby face and vice versa at the same time is a very daunting and sometimes problematic idea.  Many things need to be in place to pull off this feat.  The timing needs to be right, the drama needs to be heightened, and most importantly, the crowd needs to be read perfectly.  Although seldom used, the double turn has been a tool used in the past to propel some of the most important angles in the company and in some cases, shaped the WWE’s future for years to come.

With risk sometimes comes reward and the double turn is about as risky as they come and some of the rewards have paid off tenfold.  In the slides ahead we will take a look at some of these  moments and delve into why some were major developments in the history of the WWE.

Some were major story lines, some not so much, but ahead we break down the WWE’s top 5 greatest double turns of all time.