WWE Survivor Series 2016: 5 Reasons Brock Lesnar Should Beat Goldberg

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5. This is a Farewell Tour for Goldberg; He Doesn’t Need a Win

In Goldberg’s return promo, he said the thing he missed the most was being a superhero to kids all over the world. That’s admirable, especially considering the man he’ll be across the ring from on November 20th doesn’t really care about anybody, particularly fans. But the point here is Goldberg came back so he could perform in front of his son. He wanted one last ride in WWE so his son could see what his father did for so many years to be one of the icons in the world of professional wrestling. If all he wants to do is show his son what he used to be, he just needs to perform like a beast and give it everything he has. He does not need to win.

As we all know, Brock Lesnar is in relatively few matches these days. He’ll show up every few months, start a feud with somebody, and then take off again. And when he is in matches, they aren’t the most competitive things in the world. Sure his match with Dean Ambrose wasn’t a squash, but it also left a lot to be desired. And his most recent match with Randy Orton had an ending that left many to wonder why it happened to begin with.

All it will take for this to be worthwhile for Goldberg is him putting up a decent fight. If he shows that he has something left in the tank and, quality-wise, makes up for his and Lesnar’s snoozefest from Mania 20, it doesn’t matter if he wins or not. This is about Goldberg having one last ride in WWE for himself, his family, and the fans. A victory does not need to accompany it.