Men’s 5-on-5 Elimination Match
The final 5-on-5 elimination match will be the Raw’s men’s team taking on SmackDown Live’s. WWE did another exquisite job hyping up this match-up over the past couple of weeks, especially when the SmackDown men appeared on Raw to defend their GM, Daniel Bryan and commissioner/teammate, Shane McMahon. Raw was able to get the upper-hand here on Monday night as they cleared the ring of the SmackDown superstars.
This is the match-up, which will ultimately decide who has the better brand. Will the Undertaker get involved or perhaps take the place of Shane McMahon on SmackDown’s team? He will be a part of Survivor Series in some way, though it has not been disclosed as to what his role will be exactly. This is a match involving the biggest superstars in WWE today, and it will be one to watch. Who will have bragging rights after Sunday? I am going to make a bold prediction and say that Raw will win all three elimination matches and SmackDown Live will retain the Intercontinental title as well as bring the cruiserweight division to their side.