2. His Versatility
Muta could’ve worked in any division. He was an established, world-champion-caliber athlete by the dawn of the new millennium. As a result, he could’ve faced any top guy in WWE and it would’ve been an easy sell. Pick any guy who was a top wrestler in WWE in the early 2000s: Austin, Rock, Undertaker, HHH, Jericho, Angle. Any of them could’ve had an excellent match with Muta.
2001 was Muta’s greatest year for in-ring performance which. Given his stellar career, says a lot. He had excellent matches with everyone from young rookies to aging legends. His more technical in-ring style allowed him to do much more in the ring without causing him so much pain. He also created the Shining Wizard, which has been emulated by wrestlers the world over.
Now imagine the kinds of matches you could’ve seen had WWE signed Keiji Mutoh and had him perform either as himself or as his Muta character.
Want a wacky, supernatural element-infused brawl? Great Muta vs. The Undertaker or Kane.
Interested in technical chain wrestling? Keiji Mutoh vs. Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho or Kurt Angle.
Want to see two wrestlers beat each other bloody? Rob Van Dam vs. The Great Muta.
All of these matches could’ve happened if only WCW didn’t have a no-compete clause in their contracts.