5 Reasons James Ellsworth Needed to Turn Heel at WWE TLC

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3. He’s Just Delusional

James Ellsworth may have been a fan favorite, but he did this by making silly moves that made you feel sympathy for him. In reality, though, he was just delusional, which got proved at WWE TLC.

It started with his first match against Braun Strowman. Ellsworth had no chance of winning that match, but the two hands promo indicated that he felt he had a chance of beating his giant. No one thought this could happen except him, and he got crushed into pieces by the Mountain of a Man.

Ellsworth stepped into a ring with AJ Styles not once, not twice, but three times and won in every opportunity. Despite this, as he’s been booked, there’s no way anyone like him should be stepping into the ring with the WWE World Champion. He even put his contract on the line in a match that Styles challenged him too? Was there any reason for this to be accepted? Nope. Ellsworth could have just declined, signed his deal, and start his official SmackDown career.

Then came Sunday night. Ellsworth felt that him helping Styles win will give him a shot in their world title match. He also thinks Dean Ambrose is going to come back to him and be okay with everything that happened. This isn’t going to be the case, James.

So, all of Ellsworth’s delusional decisions came back to haunt him at TLC, with the latest one indicating that he can go rogue with his foolishness. He doesn’t understand how his wins over Styles were fluky, so he’s going to test his luck again, and probably lose.