TNA Impact Wrestling Review: Results and Analysis for December 15

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Itchweeed vs Jeff Sterling

Result: Itchweeed defeated Jeff Sterling via pinfall.

The debut of Itchweeed is the second of the night behind Maxel.  Itchweeed locks in a sleeper hold and also falls asleep causing a double count to occur.  He recovers with a burst of energy and takes that to the outside of the ring.  Jeff’s alter ego delivers a unique elbow through a table on the outside and finishes the match with the pesticide elbow.

Itchweeed wins in his debut match and continues to bring a unique spin to Hardy other personalities.  It makes fans wonder if Itchweeed will continue to show up or is this a one time thing for the special event.  I love that all of the personalities of the Hardys have their own litter quirks that make them special.

TNA World Championship Match
Eddie Edwards (c) vs Bobby Lashley

Result: Match goes to a no contest.

This may be the most normal of matches in the Dome of Deletion but you never know with Matt Hardy.  Lashley goes right after Eddie Edwards who has been one of the most competitive champions.  He takes Edwards to the outside and continues to attack.  The Destroyer took out one of the fans which may be the turning point of this match.  The Disciples of Matt Hardy help Edwards by holding Lashley down for Eddie to hit his explosive offense.  Lashley would fight back as the match trickled back into the ring but it is difficult to stop to momentum of Eddie Edwards.

The fight goes back to the outside as Lashley looks to dominate and take Edwards to his limits.  As the match goes past Matt Hardy’s stage and Lashley spears Eddie Edwards through the door.  The two continue to fight as Tag Team Apocalypto is set to begin.

The World Championship match was definitely an exciting match with the involvement of the fans which is something that is rarely seen in wrestling today.  It was a match we have seen before but it didn’t take away from what the two could do.  Another back and forth match between the two in a different venue.  This was a fantastic idea to appeal to the wrestling fans who take the Matt Hardy character too seriously.