5 Reasons a Women’s WWE Royal Rumble Match Should Happen

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Credit: WWE.com

5. It’s a New Concept for WWE to Try out

This should go without saying, but WWE’s in dire need of something fresh for its major shows. At every Rumble PPV, there’s usually the token women’s championship singles match and one other inconsequential women’s match. So why not try something different in 2017 with a Rumble match featuring only women?

Doing something that’s never been done before would certainly add more intrigue to the Rumble PPV. Curious fans would have more of an incentive to order the Network or attend live just to see this match being put on for the first time. There’s even a chance that casual fans or other fans that don’t follow the product as religiously would tune in just to see what all the fuss is about.

Both circumstances would, in turn, lead to higher buy rates and a better chance of selling the cavernous Alamodome in San Antonio.