After this past Monday revealed that Kurt Angle will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, should he take part in the Royal Rumble match?
The news broke on early Monday morning that Kurt Angle would indeed be returning to WWE after an 11-year absence from the company. It was announced that Angle would be the first inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2017. As wrestling fans know, he has spent these past few years of his career wrestling for TNA. The only Olympic gold medalist in WWE history is returning home, as he mentioned in a tweet on Monday. What will be in store for Angle when he returns?
The question should not be why Angle should be in the rumble, it should be why not have him in the rumble. This year’s Royal Rumble is being built as one of the biggest in WWE history with the wide array of superstars participating. The rumble match will include the likes of Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, Undertaker, Brawn Strowman and many others. With WWE bringing multiple legends back to compete for a shot at headlining Wrestlemania, why would you not want Angle, a former champion with experience in the main event at the Grandest Stage of Them All.
Sure, rumble matches are notorious for bringing back various legends as a guest appearance, but nothing more than that. This year, the lineup is stacked and any one of these legends can make an impact. Angle is a four-time WWE champion with the company and still has the skill set to compete. What’s wrong with giving him one last shot at the richest prize in sports entertainment? Angle could be a late entry and have to do minimal work if he is to enter the rumble match, which would be perfect for him at his age and with his various neck issues.
One aspect they could make known, if this is to come to fruition, is Angle being the one to eliminate Goldberg from the Royal Rumble back in 2004. It was a result of Brock Lesnar’s actions, however, that makes this even more enticing to the eye. Rumors have been stirring for many years as to when exactly the Olympic Gold Medalist would return to the main stage. At last, he is back where he belongs.
Angle is one of the best in-ring performers that professional wrestling has seen with his ammeter wrestling background and of course, his Olympic caliber talents that he possesses. He as well as Brock Lesnar have put on spectacular matches in the past showcasing their many talents from there wrestling backgrounds. Could we perhaps see this again down the road? Angle too had plenty of charisma when on the mic and completing promos. He was one of the best in my opinion.
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I belive Kurt Angle will be put into the Royal Rumble as a surprise entry. The crowd will roar as the Hall of Famer will enter a WWE ring for the first time in over a decade. He along with the likes of Goldberg, Undertaker and Brock Lesnar will all be later entrants given the age difference between them and many of the superstars. Also to keep the suspension level that much higher. These are just a few reasons why Angle should enter the rumble match as he makes his return to the company where he made his name.