4 Predictions for WWE Raw: Royal Rumble 2017 Go-Home Show

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2. Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Sami Zayn Get Revenge

As we mentioned before, last week’s Raw went off the air with Reigns, Rollins, and Zayn all laying in a heap. The three fan-favorites (er, two fan favorites and a Roman), took a beating to close out the show, and you can bet they’ll be looking for retribution tonight. They will not be dominated for two straight weeks.

But how will they get revenge on the men that destroyed them last Monday? We can only assume there won’t be another six-man tag, because that would be the laziest booking of all time. Instead, each man will likely get his revenge on an individual basis. Reigns will get back at Owens, Rollins will get back at Jericho, and Zayn will at least attempt to get back at the monstrous Strowman.

Whether this is in the form of an attack backstage or actual matches, we’ll have to wait and see. But you can guarantee the trio of babyfaces will not be left lying on their backs for a second straight week, especially not with the Royal Rumble just around the corner. They need to have some kind of momentum heading into the event, and being destroyed by their foes is not how that gets accomplished.