1. Finn Balor
Finn Balor had the summer of a lifetime in 2016. He started as the star of NXT. He went on to become a very high draft pick to Raw. He then went on to beat Seth Rollins at SummerSlam to become the first WWE Universal Champion.
Then, it all came crashing down.
During the match at SummerSlam, Balor injured his shoulder. The next night on Raw, Balor was forced to relinquish his title. Balor has made some appearances, like at the WWE UK Championship Tournament, but we haven’t seen him on Raw since he forfeited the championship.
There’s still so much unknown with Balor on the main roster, but he was able to build a lot of star-power in a really short time. Those two facts could combine to make his return extremely interesting and exciting. The best way to maximize on that would be to send Balor to the final four.
Just think, in a Rumble that features The Undertaker, Balor could have the most exciting entrance in the Rumble: The Demon entering at No. 30.