These Royal Rumble matches would’ve been much better in hindsight if different people won.
The annual Royal Rumble match serves as a critical moment for many WWE superstars. It’s the match that leads to the most important moment for any of them: a World Title opportunity at WrestleMania. If a wrestler is chosen to win the Rumble match, it’s a clear sign the company has big plans for them for the future.
Determining a Rumble winner isn’t always easy. In most years, the powers-that-be have to look at the entire roster and figure out which one of them has the potential to be a big enough draw. It’s a major risk; once someone wins the Rumble, they have to go with that person no matter what.
But this hasn’t always been the case. There have been many occasions where the Rumble match winner wasn’t an up-and-coming star in need of a critical push. Instead, it was an established star who happened to win because those same powers-that-be thought that no one else on the roster was worthy of the main event. On other occasions, WWE bet on the wrong horse, and pushed the wrong person entirely.
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This article proposes a revisionist look at previous Rumble matches. We’ll look at four Rumble matches and look at who would’ve been a better winner for that contest. We’ll also highlight the flaws that existed in the real winners, and how the proposed alternative winners would’ve made more sense than what really happened.