WWE Royal Rumble: Roman Reigns and 4 Stars Who Should Have Won Previous Matches

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2. Daniel Bryan & Roman Reigns – 2015

There hasn’t been a double winner of the Royal Rumble match since 1994. Back then, Lex Luger & Bret Hart were deemed co-winners of the match. That led to far more intrigue in the subsequent weeks on who’ eventually main event WrestleMania.

This was something that WWE should’ve done in 2015. They knew that Daniel Bryan was going to be in the match. They knew he’d get the biggest reaction out of anyone else in the contest. Finally, they knew that, in comparison, Reigns wouldn’t get the desired reaction.

So instead, of feeding off those powerful emotions, WWE killed Daniel Bryan’s Rumble dreams after only ten minutes. Then the crowd turned nasty. The fan response was so overwhelmingly negative that they even booed the Rock.

They should’ve planned for something like this. What they should’ve done was have Bryan and Reigns eliminate each other just like Luger and Hart did in 1994.

The story would’ve been simple. On one hand, Bryan would look to recapture his glory from the previous year’s WrestleMania. On the other hand, Reigns would be going in as the new top dog. Sure, the fans in attendance would cheer for Bryan and boo Reigns; that was a foregone conclusion.

But if WWE allowed these two men to have a brief singles match as the final two participants, it would’ve lessened the negativity of the match. Had the two of them eliminated each other, WWE could’ve booked a rematch at Fast Lane to determine who really deserved to be in the main event.

While they did actually do this last match, it was only because the fan opposition to Reigns was so vociferous. An actual match between these two men for that coveted ‘Mania main event spot would’ve made much more sense than a thrown-together match that was done solely because the reaction was so bad.