Report: Conor McGregor Declined WWE WrestleMania 33 Appearance Offer


Conor McGregor will reportedly not be part of WrestleMania 33 in any capacity.

Conor McGregor and WWE have been linked together for a while. This started early in 2016 with WWE acknowledging the speculation between the two sides. He then ripped WWE stars on multiple occasions, including Brock Lesnar and John Cena. Triple H then seemingly tried to court the UFC star with a tweet last fall, mentioning his Vince McMahon-esque walk.

Well, it seems WWE actually tried to get McGregor to appear for them. According to The Sun, WWE tried to get him to show up in some capacity for WrestleMania 33. The website notes that their source said, “WWE has made no secret of its desire to do something with Conor McGregor and there were talks between the two parties about this year. Because he’s taking time off from the UFC, there was a talk about doing something at this year’s Wrestlemania in April, but it wasn’t to be despite a hefty offer.”

One has to wonder how large this “hefty offer” was. Could WWE have broken the bank with an offer over $500,000? Maybe closer to $1 million?

If McGregor had appeared at WrestleMania, they could have used him in a light physical capacity. Maybe with someone like the Miz, if WWE wanted to play up his Hollywood character. Sheamus could have been an option too given their Irish links.

Another idea could have been to place McGregor in a segment with the Rock, who did one with UFC star Ronda Rousey for WrestleMania 31. These two would fend off an attack from Stephanie McMahon and Triple H during an in-ring promo.

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For now, it looks like Conor McGregor won’t be making an appearance for WWE. If it ever happens, fans may have to wait at least another year.