WrestleMania 33, WWE.com
3 Wrestlemania 33 matches that the 2017 Elimination Chamber can create.
WWE’s annual Elimination Chamber tends to be a very important match for the near future of the company. 13 times in the history of the structure a world championship has been on the line and of those 13, 7 times the title has changed hands. Suffice to say, the chamber almost always has serious ramifications. Since the event became it’s very own pay per view in 2010 all but once it has taken place in February and therefore helped shape each upcoming Wrestlemania. It is now back before WrestleMania 33.
2017 will be no different. When Randy Orton and John Cena were both victorious at the Royal Rumble last month, most fans assumed that there had to be some kind of shake-up ahead. I mean, can they really go through with this match again? We’ve seen numerous Orton/Cena programs over the past decade and with the level of budding talent currently on the roster is it possible that Wrestlemania 33 will be the SummerSlam 2007 retread? I’m going to cross my fingers and put my trust into the hands of the WWE creative team when I say no, it will not be a straight up singles match between Orton and Cena at the biggest show of the year. In fact, I predict that Cena leaves the Chamber without his title.
With all 6 participants primed for a good 2017, this match ought to be a lot of fun and could produce magic. And will any other matches on the show parlay into future feuds? I think so. Ahead we break down 3 matches the 2017 Elimination Chamber can create for Wrestlemania 33.