Drew Galloway Leaves TNA Impact Wrestling


Drew Galloway announces his departure from TNA Impact Wrestling.

On Sunday night, Drew Galloway announced his departure from TNA.  There have been many rumors that Galloway was considering leaving Impact soon.  Galloway was optimistic that he could work out a deal but apparently, it wasn’t in agreement with the new management.  He addressed his position in the company on Twitter as seen below.

It brings up an interesting development for fans that do not keep up with spoilers.  He is currently the Grand Champion and is focused on making it the top priority in Impact Wrestling.  He is changing the game when it comes the championship and it may prompt a change in the rules.

This run in TNA has been by far his best in the mainstream wrestling pool.  He is a former World Champion, leader of the Rising, and as stated before the current Grand Champion.  His accomplishments within the company speak for themselves and pushes him to work well elsewhere.  Those who know him from his time in the United Kingdom understand that WWE dropped the ball during his time.  Galloway likely wants another shot to show that he can shine on the grandest stage.

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For the foreseeable future, Galloway could revisit his roots in the indies to continue to hone his skills but honestly, doesn’t need to.  He hasn’t been able to wrestle in Ring of Honor and his talents would be used efficiently there.  I personally want to see Galloway back in WWE as the Chosen One.  There was a tremendous amount of potential with that character and with his heel persona in Impact, he could be the top heel in WWE.  With the talent that WWE currently has on the roster, there could be plenty of Match of the Year candidates.  As a wrestling fan, I am just hoping for the best for Drew Galloway and a potential chance at redemption.