WWE Fastlane 2017: 5 Potential Finishes for Kevin Owens vs. Goldberg

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4. Brock Lesnar Costs Goldberg the WWE Universal Title

This finish would work better if Goldberg hadn’t already accepted the rematch with Brock Lesnar for WrestleMania, but it still makes a lot of sense.

Goldberg is moving on – he’s accepted the match, but right now Lesnar is the least of the icon’s concerns – and that is going to be eating away at “The Beast Incarnate”.

Brock Lesnar has been embarrassed by Goldberg twice in the last four months, and as Paul Heyman so eloquently put in his spectacular “yeah, but…” promo a few weeks ago, Lesnar is desperate to prove that he can get the job done.

Every great performer has that one wrestler that just has his number, and through all of the incredible feats that Brock Lesnar has pulled off over the last few years, the fact that he hasn’t been able to put away Goldberg is always going to cast a shadow over that. If Brock Lesnar beats Goldberg, he goes back to being the man-handling machine that we all know and love, but that doesn’t happen until WrestleMania.

As a result, Goldberg’s focus being on Owens should be weighing on Lesnar’s psyche.

He should be focusing on Lesnar and Lesnar alone during WrestleMania season, not the WWE Universal Championship, and there’s only one way to set that right – eliminate the title from the equation and cost Goldberg the match.

Heck, if WWE believes in continuity, this scenario could actually be quite poetic.

Thirteen years ago, Lesnar defended the WWE Championship against Eddie Guerrero in an epic David vs. Goliath tale, in which the odds lay heavily in Lesnar’s favor.

Guerrero’s heart and soul didn’t seem like enough to get through it, but with Goldberg hitting Lesnar with a vicious spear to avenge his elimination from the Royal Rumble, “Latino Heat” was able to capitalize and win the title in a monumental moment.

They don’t need to acknowledge the irony here, but if Kevin Owens gets beaten all around Milwaukee for the better part of the match, only for Lesnar to attack while the referee is incapacitated, it could be a tremendous callback – not to mention a tremendous way for Owens to retain the WWE Universal Championship.

Goldberg and Brock Lesnar don’t need the title to build up their final match, Lesnar’s desperation and Goldberg’s aggression over getting screwed at Fastlane will be more than enough to take this animosity to an all-time high.