WWE Fastlane 2017: 5 Potential Finishes for Kevin Owens vs. Goldberg

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3. Chris Jericho Costs Kevin Owens the WWE Universal Title

We haven’t seen Chris Jericho on WWE programming since the dreaded ‘Festival of Friendship’ that saw his kinship with Kevin Owens come to a bitter end.

In the meantime, Kevin Owens has remained pretty tight-lipped about his actions that night, opting only to address Goldberg and the upcoming Fastlane match – instead of Y2J and the events that transpired two weeks ago.

Sure, they interacted on WWE’s recent tour of Germany, with Jericho heavily selling his injuries, and Owens only serving to do more damage to his former friend – which probably confirms that we won’t be seeing Jericho on television until Fastlane or thereafter – but those particular interactions may not be acknowledged as part of the story considering they took place at non-televised live events.

Owens’ lack of a comment on the Jericho situation during his first promo since the attack, would imply that the man doesn’t see it as worthy of his time.

He certainly has bigger fish to fry in perhaps the biggest match of his career with Goldberg looming, but one would have expected Owens’ all-but confirmed WrestleMania 33 opponent to be worth a mention after such a bitter betrayal.

Somebody who probably won’t take too kindly to being denied an explanation is Jericho himself – and if there’s one way to get the champ’s attention, it’ll be to interrupt the match and aid Goldberg to victory at the expense of Kevin Owens.

Related Story: 3 Ways Chris Jericho’s Potential Return Can Be Booked

The obvious pitfall here is that what is virtually guaranteed to be a spectacular ‘Mania match between Owens and Jericho won’t be contested over the WWE Universal Championship – a title that this relationship has revolved around since last summer.

To see these men duke it out over the United States Championship, or even nothing at all, would be a serious disservice to the storyline that’s been brewing for so long.

They could, of course, spin the angle with Jericho going on to say that his friendship with Owens meant more than any title ever could, and that their WrestleMania match won’t need to be about anything other than revenge, but it’s undeniable that this would be a lot sweeter with the holy grail of Monday Night Raw on the line.