WWE Fastlane 2017: 5 Potential Finishes for Kevin Owens vs. Goldberg

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Source: WWE.com

2. Kevin Owens Beats Goldberg Clean

Kevin Owens has turned over a new leaf, adopting a fresh and exciting new attitude that finally makes him look like a credible champion – the kind of attitude he’s desperately going to need if he wants to overcome an opponent like Goldberg.

Owens has done away with the  jokes and silly antics that accompanied the Jeri-KO dynamic, and it’s a scary thought that he might be dropping the title just now when things have gotten interesting. So why do it, if a win here can make Owens’ career?

As fun as his chemistry with Jericho was, the championship has definitely suffered as a result of Owens’ constant inability to defend the gold without help.

After all, with its inaugural winner getting injured and the follow-up champ being booked as relatively incompetent, it’s not exactly creating a legendary alumni.

The WWE’s go-to method of rectifying that would be giving the title to a legend like Goldberg or Lesnar, just to boost the prestige, but they may not realize that transforming Kevin Owens into a much more reliable champion might do more good – and the pieces of the puzzle are falling nicely into place for that to happen.

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We spoke before about Paul Heyman’s “yeah, but…” promo where he talked about every great athlete having that one opponent that just has their number. For Brock Lesnar, that man is Goldberg. For Goldberg, who’s to say that can’t be Kevin Owens? We’re not talking about a one-sided beat-down here on Owens’ behalf, just an evenly matched battle in which Kevin Owens walks out the victor.

There are concerns about Goldberg being unable to wrestle a full match, but why should that mean Owens has to suffer, especially when he has the potential to make his upcoming WrestleMania clash against Chris Jericho a showstopper?

A clean loss for Goldberg might actually give more meaning to his rematch with Lesnar too. As it stands, there isn’t a whole lot of reason why Goldberg would even need to face Lesnar again, but a loss to Kevin Owens might make him feel he needs to retrace his steps and conquer an old foe once more.

Should Kevin Owens not only stand toe-to-toe with Goldberg at Fastlane, but actually defeat him, it would do more for his career than any championship victory ever could – and officially cement his new demeanor as one to be reckoned with in the WWE.