WWE Fastlane 2017: 5 Booking Decisions That Should Be Made

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2. Undertaker Gets Revenge the Best Way He Knows How

Reigns may have his hands full with Strowman right now, but he may have bitten off more than what he could chew when he eliminated The Undertaker at the Rumble.  The Dead Man has not forgotten about that and he will come for Reigns when he least expects it.

While fans complain of Reigns’ always coming out on top, while perhaps he overcomes his opponents he’s never really dealt with The Undertaker one on one.  He’s had a run in while in The Shield, but that was child’s play then.  Reigns may have overcome Bray Wyatt’s mind games too, but again that’s child’s play compared to Taker.

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A big surprise could come in the form of Fastlane if Taker decides to somehow make his presence known to Reigns.  If anyone can take Reigns for a loop and out of the game it is The Dead Man.  Reigns may have the strength but no one can do mind games like The Undertaker can.  That alone will throw anyone off of their game.  It will be interesting to see how this story plays out, but things could always change.