WWE WrestleMania 33: 5 Matches Fastlane Can Create

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2. Kevin Owens vs. Chris Jericho

Though it feels like a given that Kevin Owens will face Chris Jericho at WrestleMania, the match is far from set in stone with regards to the current narrative.

It won’t be until Jericho makes his grand return that this rivalry officially begins, because as far as the WWE Universal Champion is concerned, Y2J isn’t worth the effort. That being said, things can – and most likely will – drastically change for Kevin Owens when he steps in the ring against Goldberg this Sunday night.

Owens will have to put up or shut up if he wants to prove himself as an independent star once again, and shove it in the faces of all the people who doubted him.

Regardless of whether or not Kevin Owens manages to walk out of Wisconsin with the WWE Universal Title, however, Fastlane will provide the perfect opportunity for Chris Jericho to re-emerge and exact some sweet revenge on “The Prizefighter”.

Whether that comes in the form of a post-match attack, or Jericho actively screwing Owens out of the title they once proudly held together, the platform couldn’t be more fitting for Owens to finally get his comeuppance than in this Sunday’s main event.

When he appeared on the WWE’s recent tour of Germany, Jericho looked pretty worse for wear, and it didn’t help to have Owens continue the assault across the globe. But even if they want to uphold the injury angle as we edge closer to WrestleMania, Jericho still doesn’t need to be 100% to cause a pivotal distraction at Fastlane.

The promos heading into this ‘Mania match are going to be phenomenal on both parts, and it would bode well for Jericho to enter the last stretch to Orlando with at least a glimmer of his dignity back after being humiliated in the Festival of Friendship.